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Explore the Energy of Color with Louise!
In this class, we will dive into a rainbow of COLOR! After an introduction to Color Energy, the Color Wheel and Theory, we will journey through the 7 Color Energies, the 7 levels of Chakra Energies and create our own Mixed Media Color Journal(s)
Through audio color visualizations, art videos & creative exercises, we dig deeper into each color and the associated level of energy.
We explore how each color speaks to us, makes us feel and triggers our creative intuition. You will get exactly what you need from each of the colors.
We will explore and play through:
- Color Energy Mixed-Media Journaling
- Chakra Color Oracle Cards
- Affirmation Collages
- Intuitive Watercolor Painting
- Creative Color Exercises to really dive deep into your connection with color!
What is a Chakra?
The 7 main energy areas of our body are known as the chakras.
The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit (a classical language of India). The major chakras are often described as spinning wheels of light or energy centers.
Each of our energy centers are associated with colors, music, life aspects, organs and so much more!
When our energy centers are unbalanced, this is when we may feel unwell or at ‘dis-ease’. One way to help keep our chakras balanced is to work with the associated color, so this is exactly what we do in the Chakra Color Art Journal Class!
In the first module of class, we cover some color basics and play with creating unique color wheels. Then we work through each of the 7 colors, learning more about the color and chakra, then creating in just that color. Creating with just one color can be VERY POWERFUL!
There are 9 Modules in the Chakra Color Class!
Each module is PACKED FULL with
- Color Audio Visualizations
- Chakra Music to create with
- Creative Exercises to Explore Your Colorful World
- Art Video Tutorials
- Chakra Color Card Printables
- Color Journaling Page Downloads
- Affirmations
- Question Deck for Journaling
- Color Story/Mood Boards
Read on to see what is included in the 9 Color Modules AND all of the Multi-Media Goodies inside!
Class Curriculum
Module 1: Introduction to Color Energy & Chakras
Get started on your color journey by learning about color theory, the 7 levels of color energy, the chakras and also creating your own unique color wheels (we get sooo creative with these!). A wonderful foundation before you dive into each of the color energies.
Module 2: Root Chakra and Red Color Energy
The Sanskrit name given to the Root Chakra is MULADHARA, meaning root or foundation. Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation, our fight or flight mode! The Color Energy is RED.
Module 3: Sacral Chakra & Orange Color Energy
The Sanskrit name given to the Sacral Chakra is SWADHISTHANA, meaning ‘one’s own abode’. Located in the abdomen, this energy center is related to creativity, emotions, abundance and sexuality. Creativity is heightened when this chakra is awakened. The Color Energy is ORANGE.
Module 4: Solar Plexus & Yellow Color Energy
The Sanskrit name given to the Solar Plexus is MANIPURA, meaning ‘the jewel of the navel’. Located in the area around the abdomen above the belly button, it is related to our personal power, will, fear, autonomy and metabolism. The Color Energy is YELLOW.
Module 5: Heart Chakra & Green/Pink Energy
The Sanskrit name given to the Heart chakra is ANAHATA, meaning unhurt, unstruck, and unbeaten. This chakra is related to love and relationships. It is the center of the chakra’s – with 3 below and 3 above. The Color Energy is GREEN with PINK.
Module 6: Throat Chakra & Blue Color Energy
The Sanskrit name given to the Throat chakra is VISHUDDHA, meaning ‘to purity’. The right to speak and hear the truth. It is location at the throat and promotes communication, courage and creative connection. The Color Energy is BLUE.
Module 7: Third-Eye Chakra & Indigo Color Energy
The Sanskrit name given to this chakra is AJNA, meaning ‘to know’ or ‘to command’.
This chakra is location between our eyes and is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. The Color Energy is INDIGO.
Module 8: Crown Chakra & Violet Color Energy
The sanskrit name for the Crown Chakra is SAHASRARA which means ‘a thousandfold’. Located at the top of your head it relates to
consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the divine, the greater world beyond, to a timeless place of knowing. The Color Energy is VIOLET.
Module 9: BONUS - Rainbow Joy Journal handmade book
As a special bonus, Louise will show you how to use some of your collage color collections and art to create a beautiful little handmade book. Full of color and affirmations, this is a lovely way to complete the color class and boost your creativity further to continue your color journey!
Inside the Classroom!
Below are all the Multi-Media Goodies inside class!
Art Instruction Videos
Join Louise in her studio in Spain where she will show you how she explores color in her Chakra Color Journals. There will be chakra mood boards, affirmation collages, intuitive watercolor painting, art journaling using Louise's Chakra Color Oracle cards and Question Decks. Plus so much more!
Chakra Color Card Printables
Download and print out Louise's Chakra Color Cards from her 100 day Project. There are 12 cards for each chakra and an instruction video on how to put them together for class! They are as good as when you purchase an oracle deck!
Audio Color Visualizations
As we dive into each color, Louise will guide you deeper into connecting with the Rainbow of Color and deeper into each color through her color audios. There is also a Chakra Balancing Audio for relaxation.
Color Audio Reflection Worksheets
Louise has also included some lovely Color Visualization Reflection Worksheets to help you journal what comes up for you when you visualize each Color after her audios.
Chakra Color Journaling Pages for deeper insight
Download Louise's specially designed journal pages to dive deeper into each element of the chakra color. You can create your own journal from them or add to your chakra art journal.
Chakra Color Affirmations
Louise has included affirmations for each color/chakra to use in your art, cards and journal. These are positive statements that will lift your art and journal!
Color Collecting/Color Stories Printables
Collect Color with your Camera! Or gather inspiration on Pinterest and from magazines!
I also share my own Color Stories and Mood Boards for each Color Energy.
Louise also shares downloads of her own painted journal pages so you can use them in your journal too!
Chakra Art Journaling Question Deck
Download a series of Question Cards for each chakra! These will help you in your Chakra Color Journaling process and Louise will show you how to use them to inspire Art Journal Pages in class.
Chakra Music
Play special licensed music composed to work with each chakra as your create your color energy art, journal or relax.
Lovely Testimonials and Color Wheel Art from class participants
Color Wheel Art: Top row: Natacha Devaud, Tina Coates, Valerie Brown. Bottom Row: Rachel Fell, Bobbi Jo Thompson, Maria Del Valle.
Your Instructor and Creative Guide ❤️
Hello, I am a British mixed-media artist with a passion for color, nature and mandala making.
My intention is to inspire and help creative souls of all ages tap into their muse through my fun and relaxed approach to art-making in my online classes.
My classes include videos, audios, pdf downloads and different techniques. All filmed in my studio in Spain. I have been offering online learning since 2010, and as technology has improved, I am now updating my videos and classrooms to create an easy to use environment for you to enjoy. All classes are self-paced and have lifetime access.
My mission is to create a learning environment online where you feel you are right here in my studio with me, watching lots of demos and working through each project, inspired by what I am showing you to then create on your own.
See you in class! Louise xx
Class Overview
Each chakra in our body is a vortex of energy associated with a particular life aspect/vibration: I have, I feel I do, I love, I say, I see, I know.When our energy centers are unbalanced, this is when we may feel unwell or at ‘dis-ease’.
One way to help keep our chakras balanced is to work with the associated color, so in each module, I will be giving you a little insight into each. If you would like to dive more deeply into color, the chakra’s and learn how to energize/balance your own energy system through the creative process, this class is perfect for you.
By the end of the class, you will have:
- One (or more) Chakra Color Journal to explore all the colors and energies.
- Many pieces of artwork in each color /chakra energy center (these will be journal pages, photo montages, color collages, chakra color art or color studies)
- More understanding of each of the colors we cover, how they effect us and are linked with our chakra energy system
- Knowledge on how you can use color to energize and tune into your true self when you need it.
- Pages and pages of free downloads from class, including my Chakra Color Cards.
- BONUS: Make your own Rainbow Joy Journal!.
This class is perfect for you if…
- You would like to explore color and the link with your own chakra energy system
- Learn and have fun with some different creative techniques and ways to connect with color.
- You’d like to learn more about your own personal energy levels and how you can work with them through color.
- You have some inner creative blocks you would like to heal and clear.
- Already know about the chakra system and would like to use these energies to tap into your creative intuition.
- You are looking for more creative play and want to create some gorgeous intuitive color energy work.
- Need to feel more balanced and would like to use color and creativity to heal.
Other Color Courses | Bundle and Save!
Love color? Check out my two other Color Classes and also a special bundle offering for 20% off!